Step 1:

  • Signing in or registering is the best choice you have to claim the Vortex Optics warranty.

  • After creating a customer account, you will receive regular updates from them about their policies.

  • Vortex optics and apparel protected by the VIP Warranty receive complimentary repair or replacement services.

  • In cases where the required repairs are not within the warranty's scope, they will seek your approval before initiating any repair procedures.

  • During the warranty process, Vortex Optics may provide you with one of the following solutions: either a warranty replacement or warranty service during the warranty period. All products have an unlimited lifetime warranty.

Step 2:

  • If you're interested in ordering parts, they have the capability to facilitate your order, expedite your service request, and provide you with the added convenience of an emailed prepaid shipping label.

  • Your apparel return request will be handled according to the specifications. While processing times can fluctuate, they usually fall within a 3-business days timeframe from the moment Vortex receives the return.

Step 3:

  • If you have made a purchase of apparel through an authorized dealer, they kindly request that you proceed with the return process via the dealer. 

  • Feel free to call, send an email, or connect with Vortex Optics customer support through social media whenever you have questions. 

Vortex Optics Warranty Period:

  • Vortex Optics offers unlimited lifetime warranty

Vortex Optics Contact Information:

Email Support

Phone Number


Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm (CT)

Contact Address

One Vortex Drive,
Barneveld, Wisconsin 53507, USA.

  • Chat or Submit a Claim

    Let Warranty Valet assist you in claiming Vortex Optics warranty hassle-free.

What is covered under the Vortex Optics Warranty?

Vortex Optics warranty covers:

  • Damaged or defective parts
  • Repair or replacement

What is NOT covered under the Vortex Optics Warranty?

Vortex Optics warranty excludes:

  • Lost or theft products
  • Grey market products
  • Products not imported by the Vortex Authorized Distributor.

Products of Vortex Optics:

Our claim assistance covers all Vortex Optics products, including:

Product name
Golden Eagle
Strike Eagle

Contact Our Claim Experts

Feel free to get in touch with our Warranty Valet® claim experts. Our dedicated staff is more than happy to assist you.

Disclaimer: Warranty Valet exclusively functions as an agent for warranty claim processing and possesses no authority or ownership of Vortex Optics logos or trademarks. The rights to all brand logos and trademarks remain the sole prerogative of Vortex Optics.