3 Simple Steps for IBM Warranty Claim:

Step 1:

  • In accordance with warrantable transactions, you have the ability to initiate warranty claims. A warrantable transaction is required to meet specific warranty criteria that can potentially be encompassed within a warranty claim. Please note that a warranty transaction can only be claimed once.

  • Select the "Generate Warranty Claims" action located on the warranty claims application page and provide the necessary warranty claim information. The organization's criteria dictate the initial status of the warranty claim.

  • When submitting a warranty claim for replacement and generating a no-charge purchase order, you must opt for the "Select Action" menu. Once a no-charge item is received as part of the purchase order, the quantity reclaimed through the warranty claim is automatically adjusted to match the total quantity of the received items.

Step 2:

  • The same procedure should be followed when you claim a warranty for the items to be refunded or repaired and generate a credit invoice. If the quantity recovered matches or surpasses the claimed quantity, the warranty claim will be designated as closed.

  • You can access Machine Code updates for Power Systems and System Storage on IBM equipment, provided they are covered by an active warranty or an IBM hardware maintenance service agreement while being mindful of specific exceptions.

  • Access to code for operating systems and other software products is granted solely to those entitled under their respective software warranty, IBM software maintenance, or Software Subscription and Support agreement, though exceptions might be applicable. Visit their home page for additional information.

Step 3:

  • You can access the means to place orders, retrieve information, as well as download and print your IBM invoices and credit notes through the customer support page.

  • Many inquiries regarding general questions, contracts, order and delivery processes, inventory and maintenance, invoices, and payments have already been addressed on the FAQs page.

  • During the warranty process, IBM may provide you with one of the following solutions: either a warranty replacement or warranty service during the warranty period.

Email Support


For further info, Kindly Get in touch with them via this email.

Phone Number


Place a call to get more support for warranty claim

Chat or Submit a Claim

If you have trouble contacting IBM, submit a claim with Warranty Valet® or chat with our agent for hassle-free claim assistance!

Useful Links:

What is covered under the IBM Warranty?

IBM warranties are applicable solely to machines that have been acquired for your personal use and are not intended for resale. These warranties represent IBM's exclusive commitment, supplanting all other warranties, including any implied warranties or conditions of satisfactory quality, merchantability, non-infringement, and suitability for a specific purpose. The warranty period begins in the following manner: for machines designated as Customer Set Up (CSU), it commences on the second business day following the standard transit allowance period. As for machines not specified as CSU, the warranty period initiates on the earlier of two events: (i) the business day following the completion of IBM's standard installation procedure or (ii) 45 days after the machine's shipment from IBM.

  • 1-year on-site repair warranty on IBM Power System E1080

What is NOT covered under the IBM Warranty?

The warranties do not extend to situations involving misuse, modification, damage not attributed to IBM, or the failure to adhere to provided IBM instructions. It's worth noting that certain jurisdictions might not permit the exclusion of express or implied warranties, thus rendering the aforementioned exclusion ineffective. In such cases, the warranties are restricted to the predefined warranty period, with no warranties applicable beyond that timeframe. Some jurisdictions also don't allow restrictions on the duration of implied warranties, meaning that the described limitation might not be applicable. Additionally, IBM disclaims liability for special, incidental, exemplary, indirect, or economic consequential damages, including loss of data, profits, business value, revenue, goodwill, or anticipated savings.

About IBM

IBM, officially known as the International Business Machines Corporation and affectionately called "Big Blue," is a massive American multinational technology company headquartered in Armonk, New York. It has a global presence in over 175 countries, focusing on computer hardware, middleware, and software, and offering hosting and consulting services that span from mainframe computers to nanotechnology. IBM boasts the title of being the world's largest industrial research organization, with 19 research facilities located in various countries. Impressively, it held the record for the most annual U.S. patents generated by a business for an uninterrupted 29-year period from 1993 to 2021. The company maintains a vast and diverse portfolio of products and services, with offerings in cloud computing, artificial intelligence, commerce, data and analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), IT infrastructure, mobile solutions, the digital workplace, and cybersecurity, as of 2016.

Products of IBM

Cloud Bare Metal Servers Cloud Virtual Server for VPC Aspera LinuxONE4 API Connect

Melissa Clifford

Warranty Claim Specialist

Are you tired of the constant stress and financial burden that comes with unexpected repairs? Look no further! Warranty Valet is always here to assist you in this difficulty and protect your valuable purchases. With our Hassle-Free claim process, you can get your product fixed with just a single click.

Contact Our Claim Experts

Feel free to get in touch with our Warranty Valet® claim experts. Our dedicated staff is more than happy to assist you.

Disclaimer: Warranty Valet exclusively functions as an agent for warranty claim processing and possesses no authority or ownership of IBM logos or trademarks. The rights to all brand logos and trademarks remain the sole prerogative of IBM.