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We’re so convinced you’ll absolutely love our easy to use platform, that we’re willing to offer a risk free money back guarantee for all buyers. If at any time of purchasing our home/business plans you are unhappy, then simply let us know and Warranty Valet will refund your purchase. If you want to cancel your valet account during the first 30 days of service we will issue a full refund. This means you can try out warranty valet risk-free for 30 days! Subsequent months are able to be canceled with a Pro-rated refund for that current billing period.

How to request a refund

If you wish to cancel your warranty valet account and request a full refund during your first 30 days or a partial refund at any point thereafter you can do this from your valet dashboard.
Follow these instructions on how to cancel your plan.

  • Login to your account.

  • Under "My plan" menu

  • Raise a request to cancel your plan.

If you’re having difficulty in our product, then let us know, and we’ll sort it out for you for free. If you’re having problems using or configuring our platform, take advantage of our friendly, expert technical support team. We'll refund you after the cancellation verification is completed from our end.

Remember, if you have any questions before you purchase our plans, feel free to reach out to us, we have 24/7 expert support available. We’ve built our company to provide our customers with the best products and support we can, and we’d love to show you that we’re 100% committed to our world wide customers.