For repairs, replacement of parts, or warranty inquiries, contact one of the service centers there. Without proof of purchase, you can't claim your warranty.
The instruction manual can be found on the original website that is included with your product for warranty details and duration.
If the product shows any signs of malfunction during the warranty term, visit the retailer where you purchased the product.
Incomplete items, those without a valid RMA number, in a used state, or surpassing the 21-day delivery period may not meet the criteria for returns.
If the items you return adhere to their established return guidelines, you will be issued a refund.
The refund will be processed at the initial purchase cost within 14 days, inclusive of any relevant sales tax, through the original payment method, with the original shipping charges deducted.
Salton highly recommends that you complete the product registration process using the provided form.
Your name, email, product, serial number, or four-digit code that is at the bottom of the product, model number, and address ought to be furnished to get your registration done successfully.
During the warranty process, Salton may provide you with one of the following solutions: either a warranty replacement or warranty service during the warranty period. Salton offers a 1-year, 2-year, or 5-year limited warranty for their products.
Salton offers a 1-year limited warranty on portable cooktops
Salton provides a 2-year limited warranty on digital toasters, digital coffee makers, and digital kettles
Salton air fryer toaster ovens have a 5-year limited warranty
1955 W Field Ct,
Lake Forest, Illinois 60045, USA.
Salton warranty covers:
Salton warranty does not cover:
Our complete claim assistance covers all Salton products, including:
Product name |
Coffee Makers |
Kettles |
Toasters |
Deep Fryers |
Rice Cookers |
Multi-Cookers |
Waffle Makers |
Feel free to get in touch with our Warranty Valet® claim experts. Our dedicated staff is more than happy to assist you.
Disclaimer: Warranty Valet exclusively functions as an agent for warranty claim processing and possesses no authority or ownership of Salton logos or trademarks. The rights to all brand logos and trademarks remain the sole prerogative of Salton.