Step 1:

  • Perfect Aire has the registration method in practice for your product's warranty to be claimed.

  • Otherwise, you have to create an account by providing your name, zip code, phone, purchase receipt number, and user name to submit a warranty claim.

  • The product and personal information must be completed for the registration process.

Step 2:

  • The FAQs page contains a wide variety of questions and answers. The answers are designed to help you resolve any doubts or uncertainties you may have and to provide information about their services.

  • If you cannot find the questions on the page that you are searching for, relax, because the question box is available for you to type your queries, along with your name and email.

Step 3:

  • Either complete the supplied form or get in touch with them using one of the listed contact methods, and a member of their team will get in contact with you.

  • Perfect Aire advises you to return your product to the original merchant or store where you made the purchase, accompanied by your proof of purchase.

  • During the warranty process, Perfect Aire may offer one of the following solutions: a warranty replacement or warranty service. Note that a 30-month full replacement warranty and a 1-year or 7-year warranty apply to different products.

Perfect Aire Warranty Period:

  • 30-month full replacement warranty on packaged terminal air conditioners

  • 1-year full replacement warranty on quick-connect ductless mini-splits and room air conditioning

  • 7-year parts and compressor warranty on ductless mini-splits

Perfect Aire Contact Information:

Email Support

[email protected]

Phone Number


Contact Address

5401 Dansher Road,
Countryside, IL 60525, USA.

  • Chat or Submit a Claim

    Let Warranty Valet assist you in claiming Perfect Aire warranty hassle-free.

What is covered under the Perfect Aire Warranty?

Perfect Aire LLC provides a limited warranty for:

  • Material or workmanship defects
  • The original purchaser
  • Defective parts or components
  • Products purchased in the U.S. or Canada through Perfect Aire or its authorized resellers

What is NOT covered under the Perfect Aire Warranty?

Perfect Aire limited warranty does not extend to:

  • Non-Defective Failure
  • Cosmetic changes
  • Improper installation
  • Serial number alterations
  • Subsequent owners

Products of Perfect Aire:

Our claim assistance covers all Perfect Aire products, including:

Product name
Portable Heaters
Air Conditioners
Ductless Heat Pump Systems
Air Purifiers

Contact Our Claim Experts

Feel free to get in touch with our Warranty Valet® claim experts. Our dedicated staff is more than happy to assist you.

Disclaimer: Warranty Valet exclusively functions as an agent for warranty claim processing and possesses no authority or ownership of Perfect Aire logos or trademarks. The rights to all brand logos and trademarks remain the sole prerogative of Perfect Aire.