Step 1:

  • Register your name, along with your email, residential address, phone number, and the name of the company, to request a product demo.

  • Don't miss the opportunity to get a firsthand experience of Graco products through an in-person demonstration. During this session, they will cover product features, advantages, technical specifications, installation instructions, warranty information, and pricing details.

  • You can locate the warranty information for each product on the last page of the instruction manual. Certain products may come with unique, extended, or restricted warranties in addition to the standard Graco Warranty.

Step 2:

  • You can locate operational details, replacement part information, troubleshooting guides, technical data, and warranty information within the instruction manuals.

  • You can find them on the specification section of model-level web pages as well as on the document search page. Moder or a part number should be submitted before reading their manuals. The website has service centers for all categories, but you have to follow a simpler procedure than the one you followed during registration.

Step 3:

  • The experienced customer support team is here to assist with any inquiries and to address your requirements and you can hire a distributor whenever you need their assistance.

  • In addition, there are two more teams for technical and homeowner support. Rather than calling, you can send a message; they offer that option.

Graco Warranty Period:

  • 1-year standard warranty

Graco Contact Information:

Phone Number


Mon-Fri: 7:30am - 5pm ( CT )

Contact Address

88 - 11th Avenue Northeast,
Minneapolis, MN-55413,

Chat or Submit a Claim

Let Warranty Valet assist you in claiming Graco warranty hassle-free.

What is covered under the Graco Warranty?

Graco provides a warranty for all equipment that carries its name, ensuring they are free from material and workmanship defects at the time of sale to the original purchaser for their intended use. Unless specified otherwise in a special, extended, or limited warranty published by Graco, the company will, for a duration of twelve months from the date of sale, undertake the repair or replacement of any equipment part identified by Graco as defective. It's important to note that this warranty is valid only if the equipment is installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with Graco's documented recommendations.

What is NOT covered under the Graco Warranty?

This warranty excludes coverage for general wear and tear, as well as any issues related to faulty installation, misapplication, abrasion, corrosion, insufficient or improper maintenance, negligence, accidents, tampering, or the use of non-Graco component parts, for which Graco will not be held liable. Graco also disclaims liability for malfunctions, damage, or wear caused by the incompatibility of Graco equipment with structures, accessories, equipment, or materials not provided by Graco, or due to the incorrect design, manufacturing, installation, operation, or maintenance of structures, accessories, equipment, or materials not supplied by Graco.

Products of Graco:

Our complete claim assistance covers all Graco products, including:

Product name
Concrete Mixers
G-Chem Drive Modules
Wolverine Drive Modules
LSR Metering Systems
LSR Nozzles
Double Diaphragm Pumps
Meter and Transfer Accessories
Peristaltic Pumps
Piston Transfer Pumps
Plunger and Metering Pumps

Contact Our Claim Experts

Feel free to get in touch with our Warranty Valet® claim experts. Our dedicated staff is more than happy to assist you.

Disclaimer: Warranty Valet exclusively functions as an agent for warranty claim processing and possesses no authority or ownership of Graco logos or trademarks. The rights to all brand logos and trademarks remain the sole prerogative of Graco.